The Life and Work of Marc Chagall
Next date: Wednesday, April 02, 2025 | 07:00 PM
Before you come see Theatre UCF’s Fiddler on the Roof and the School of Visual Arts and Design’s Chagall-inspired 3D sculptures, join art historian Dr. Keri Watson and theatre professor Dr. Julia Listengarten to learn about one of the most influential and popular modern artists: Marc Chagall.
The Belarusian-born French artist’s work was inspired by Russian folktales, Jewish stories and the modernism art movement, but Chagall didn't fit into any one specific style. He created a dream-like reality with bright colors, exaggerated proportions and overlapping images. Hear more about the life and work of Marc Chagall who revisited the theme of the “fiddler on the roof” many times throughout his long career.
Wednesday, April 02, 2025 | 07:00 PM
Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Avenue, 32801 View Map
445 S. Magnolia Avenue ,
Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
445 S. Magnolia Avenue ,
The Life and Work of Marc Chagall