In this infamous tale, Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber, returns to 18th-century London seeking vengeance against the lecherous judge who framed him and ravaged his young wife. Tony-award winner Kenny Howard has created an immersive experience for this musical, where you are seated in the back alleyways Fleet Street, with glimpses into the town square, Mrs. Lovett's Meat Pie Shop, Adolfo Pirelli's shaving cart, and even Mr. Todd's Barber Shop as the action unfurls all around you. One hour prior to showtime, you have an “add-on” option to visit, eat, and drink during Mrs. Lovett’s Meat Pie Shop Happy Hour.
The Mezz, 100 S Eola Dr., Orlando 32801 View Map
100 S Eola Dr. , Orlando 32801