DTO Retail Program

The intent of the DTO Retail Program (Program) is to activate spaces within the downtown Orlando Community Redevelopment Area (Area(PDF, 1MB)) and establish the Area within Downtown Orlando as a retail destination, to attract locals and visitors to visit downtown Orlando as well as attract new retail and encourage expansion of existing retail by reimbursing costs associated with interior buildout and rent of a newly leased property.

Program Structure

1. Building Owner/Tenant Investment Requirement:

a. Generally, the CRA will match dollar for dollar based on the amount the building owner invests in tenant improvements up to a maximum amount based on the square footage requirements for tenant improvement reimbursement funding. Funding may also be available for establishments that do not receive building owner funding.

b. The tenant must be investing at least 10% of the eligible tenant improvement costs.

2. Funding Eligibility (Non-Focus Areas – Please see the Program Map):

a. Personal service businesses are eligible for $50 per square foot up to $150,000.

b.Retail businesses, including Intense and Light use Recreational businesses are eligible for up to $25 per square foot with a not to exceed funding amount of $100,000 for reimbursement of costs of eligible tenant improvements.

c. If the building owner does not invest in tenant improvements, the tenant would be eligible to receive up to $25 per square foot with a not-to-exceed funding amount of $75,000. 

d. All qualifying businesses are generally eligible to receive up to $25,000 to assist with Rent costs and Common Area Maintenance costs.

3. Funding Eligibility (Focus Areas – Please see the Program Map):

a. Personal service businesses are eligible for $50 per square foot up to $150,000.

b. Retail businesses, including Intense and Light use Recreational businesses are eligible for up to $25 per square foot with a not to exceed funding amount of $100,000 for reimbursement of costs of eligible tenant improvements.

c. If the building owner does not invest in tenant improvements, the tenant would be eligible to receive up to $25 per square foot with a not-to-exceed funding amount of $75,000.

d. All qualifying businesses are generally eligible to receive up to $50,000 to assist with Rent costs and Common Area Maintenance costs.

Program Guidelines

Please reference the (PDF, 290KB)guidelines(PDF, 1MB) for additional details on eligibility.


Program Map

Please reference the map(PDF, 1MB) for additional details on eligibility.


Owner’s Affidavit

Click here(PDF, 81KB) to access the owner's affidavit. The owner’s affidavit document is part of the application package.




Click here to submit an application.